Previously, I described the main formula of Special Relativity:

Today I want to talk about the symmetries of spacetime. What I mean by a symmetry is this: a way to change the coordinates of spacetime in a way that leaves the laws of physics the same. Now I haven't told you what the laws of physics are, but the important thing is that they depend on the geometry of spacetime. So that means that we need to check in what ways we can change the coordinates of spacetime without changing the formula for
The first kind of symmetry is called a translation. This consists of simply shifting the coordinate system e.g. one meter to the right, or one second to the future. This doesn't affect the formula for since it only depends on the coordinate differences
etc. We can write a time translation like this:

The second kind of symmetry is more complicated, but you've certainly heard of it before—it's called a rotation. If we have two spatial coordinates, then we can rotate them by some angle (measured in radians), which leaves all the distances the same. The algebraic formula for a rotation looks like this:

Now actually we have three different spatial coordinates: x, y, and z. That means that you can actually rotate in 3 different ways: along the x-y plane, the y-z plane, and the z-x plane. Of course there are other angles you can rotate at as well, but they are all just combinations of those three; in other words the space of possible rotations is 3-dimensional.
But now, what about the time direction? It would feel terribly lonely if it were left out, and in fact it is also possible to rotate spacetime about the t-x plane, the t-y plane, and the t-z plane. However, remember how time is not quite the same as space? Instead, it's just like space except for a funny minus sign. So not surprisingly, the formula for a rotation also has a funny minus sign—or rather, a funny absence of a minus sign:

So this rotation has some wierd properties: It describes a crazy world (ours!) in which things rotate in hyperbolas instead of circles. That's because of the minus sign in the formula for above, which makes it so the points of equal distance (or duration) correspond to hyperbolas instead of circles. This has some additional consequences: 1) Because hyperbolas are infinitely long, the "hyperbolic angle"
ranges from
, unlike circular angles which come back to where you started after you rotate through
radians. 2) Because the two axes both move towards (or both move away) from each other, when you do a really big rotation it scrunches everything up towards
. What this means is that when you accelerate objects more and more, they don't go arbitrarily fast. Instead they just get closer and closer to the speed of light.
In conclusion, spacetime has 10 kinds of symmetry: 4 kinds of translations and 6 kinds of rotations. The space of possible symmetries is 10 dimensional. It is called the Poincaré group.
P.S. In this whole discussion I have ignored the possibility of reflection symmetries such as or
. These are also symmetries of the formula for
, but they are discrete rather than continuous—there's no such thing as a "small" reflection the way you can have a small rotation. Adding these in doesn't change the fact that the Poincare group is 10 dimensional. However, these transformations are actually NOT symmetries of Nature. They are violated by our theory of the weak force. The only discrete symmetry like this which is preserved by the weak force is CPT: the combination of time reflection, space reflection, and switching matter and antimatter.
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Wait...does this mean that acceleration is a kind of rotation?
Yes, in roughly the same sense that a curved road is a kind of rotation. That is, the vector parallel to the path is rotated at one place, compared to another place.