About Aron Wall
I am a Lecturer in Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge. Before that, I read Great Books at St. John's College (Santa Fe), got my physics Ph.D. from U Maryland, and did my postdocs at UC Santa Barbara, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and Stanford. The views expressed on this blog are my own, and should not be attributed to any of these fine institutions.
I received this email from someone I know: Hey Aron, It's been quite a while. How are things going? Enjoying your time across the pond? I'm curious about your thoughts on having close non-Christian friends. I've known my best friend, … Continue reading →
I had the following question from a reader [edited to make the person less identifiable, and posted with permission]: I've been following your blog for a few months now, and I've found your posts thoughtful and gracious. Thanks for the … Continue reading →
The next questions are best considered together: 8. Did the main witnesses benefit materially from their testimony, or did they suffer for it? 9. Is there significant evidence of fraud among the originators of the religion? Jesus preached a message … Continue reading →
My wife has spent nearly a decade teaching people how to become better at writing. If you are 16 years or older, and you need help learning how to write a good academic essay — no, she won't write it … Continue reading →
There's an interesting conversation on Energy Conservation going on under my post about how The Universe can't `Just Exist'. I wrote a reply in that thread which I've decided to turn into a main post. Saving Energy Conservation: What would … Continue reading →